Thursday, December 22, 2022

What’s Your Why?

Why is it so hard to lose weight? 

What I am about to say next is going to make you mad.   The truth be known, losing weight isn’t hard. Keeping it off, well that’s another story! 

Why would I say that, because it’s true.  We all have started a diet and were able to start dropping pounds.  In fact some individuals have lost 20, 30, 40 or more pounds, only to gain it all back.  You know this to be true.

By now you realize diets, in and of themselves, don’t work; not without some lifestyle changes.  

True weight loss requires a commitment to a higher cause than just wanting to be thinner.

You need "Your Why"!  What is Your Why? 

It is your strength when the going gets tough.  

It is your "I am going to do this" no matter how difficult.

It is something you feel passionate towards.

The Why is one of the key questions I ask all my clients, because if Your Why is weak your commitment will be weak.  That is why I always ask individuals if they are committed or just interested.  

Think about that…let’s use an example.  Say I go to a concert and I am mesmerized by the piano player, so I decide that I want to learn how to play the piano.  I’m all excited in the beginning.  I go out and I invest in a keyboard, find a teacher, and buy all the lesson books.

Then comes the work.  I have to drive to lessons every week.  I have to practice several times a week.  I see others being successful and I become frustrated with my lessons.  

You know what happens next…I start looking for reasons why I cannot continue.  

What happened?

My Why wasn’t strong enough!  I was interested in learning how to play the piano, but I truly wasn't committed. 

So before you make that New Year's resolution, let's talk.

I asked my newest client if I could use her Why for my example and she was glad to share.  No names, of course. ( her answers are in red)

Here's how it went:

1.  Write down Your Why

I want to lose 30 pounds 

Me: Not strong enough

2. Why do you want to lose 30 pounds?

I want to feel better

Me: Not strong enough

3. Why do you want to feel better?

I want to have more energy

Me:  Not strong enough

4. Why do you want more energy?

I want more energy so I can do more with my family. I'm tired of being left behind because I can't walk far enough without needing help. I sometimes feel I don't get invited places because I require extra help. I no longer want to be an inconvenience.  I want to be healthy enough to enjoy time with my family.  I want my life back!

Me:  Now we got it!

Next I suggest you create a Vision Board complete with photos of  Your Why.  Position it in a place where you can look at it every day and quickly refer to it when you are tempted to throw in the towel.  

After that you will need to start creating the plan.  You must have a plan.

If you are unsure where to begin, invest in yourself, find an expert in the field that you want to exhibit change to help you put a plan together. 

If "Your Why" includes shifting into a healthy lifestyle,  follow me on Facebook or email me.

I offer a great deal of free content, but I am also available for hire if you want personalized guidance.

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Finding YOUR Steps to Success

 It is my hope that you have completed the process of discovering your WHY as I talked about in my previous post.  Our WHY is our purpose...