Thursday, December 22, 2022

What’s Your Why?

Why is it so hard to lose weight? 

What I am about to say next is going to make you mad.   The truth be known, losing weight isn’t hard. Keeping it off, well that’s another story! 

Why would I say that, because it’s true.  We all have started a diet and were able to start dropping pounds.  In fact some individuals have lost 20, 30, 40 or more pounds, only to gain it all back.  You know this to be true.

By now you realize diets, in and of themselves, don’t work; not without some lifestyle changes.  

True weight loss requires a commitment to a higher cause than just wanting to be thinner.

You need "Your Why"!  What is Your Why? 

It is your strength when the going gets tough.  

It is your "I am going to do this" no matter how difficult.

It is something you feel passionate towards.

The Why is one of the key questions I ask all my clients, because if Your Why is weak your commitment will be weak.  That is why I always ask individuals if they are committed or just interested.  

Think about that…let’s use an example.  Say I go to a concert and I am mesmerized by the piano player, so I decide that I want to learn how to play the piano.  I’m all excited in the beginning.  I go out and I invest in a keyboard, find a teacher, and buy all the lesson books.

Then comes the work.  I have to drive to lessons every week.  I have to practice several times a week.  I see others being successful and I become frustrated with my lessons.  

You know what happens next…I start looking for reasons why I cannot continue.  

What happened?

My Why wasn’t strong enough!  I was interested in learning how to play the piano, but I truly wasn't committed. 

So before you make that New Year's resolution, let's talk.

I asked my newest client if I could use her Why for my example and she was glad to share.  No names, of course. ( her answers are in red)

Here's how it went:

1.  Write down Your Why

I want to lose 30 pounds 

Me: Not strong enough

2. Why do you want to lose 30 pounds?

I want to feel better

Me: Not strong enough

3. Why do you want to feel better?

I want to have more energy

Me:  Not strong enough

4. Why do you want more energy?

I want more energy so I can do more with my family. I'm tired of being left behind because I can't walk far enough without needing help. I sometimes feel I don't get invited places because I require extra help. I no longer want to be an inconvenience.  I want to be healthy enough to enjoy time with my family.  I want my life back!

Me:  Now we got it!

Next I suggest you create a Vision Board complete with photos of  Your Why.  Position it in a place where you can look at it every day and quickly refer to it when you are tempted to throw in the towel.  

After that you will need to start creating the plan.  You must have a plan.

If you are unsure where to begin, invest in yourself, find an expert in the field that you want to exhibit change to help you put a plan together. 

If "Your Why" includes shifting into a healthy lifestyle,  follow me on Facebook or email me.

I offer a great deal of free content, but I am also available for hire if you want personalized guidance.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Intermittent Fasting Explained


The best way for me to explain how to get started is to share my experience with you. 

My first introduction to Intermittent Fasting was Chalene Johnson’s book, “131 Method”.

Although I found the eating plan too specific for my lifestyle, the information regarding fasting was fascinating, and easy to follow. So I decided to give it a whirl.

Now, if you have been following me, you know I push the whole “Stop Eating Three Hours before bed rule”!  (Trust me, you will sleep much better if your body is not trying to digest food while you are trying to fall asleep )😴

Back to the intermittent fasting schedule.  I did my math like this.  

I figured since I go to bed at 10 pm, that my last available time to eat is 7 pm.  My initial fast was from 7 pm to 9 am. That gave me a 10 hour eating window and a 14 hour fasting window. No biggie, since 9 of those hours I would be sleeping and exercising.

I awoke at 6 am, had my usual coffee ☕️ with a teaspoon of cream, (since that doesn’t break a fast) and waited until 9 am for my first solid food. 

I usually ate light, but healthy food.  Hard boiled egg or grain free toast with peanut butter or cream cheese, some pork rinds.

1 pm - Lunch, vegetables, meat, low carb wrap or grain free bread

3 pm - Midday pick me up….always coffee with cream… NO sweetener!  Maybe some nuts or seeds

6 pm - Supper, meat, vegetables, salad or a low carb casserole

and maybe a low carb treat for dessert

I am done eating by 7 pm.

I kept my carbs in my range, (more about the carb range at the end)

That’s how I started! Now I practice a 6 hour eating window and a 18 hour fasting window.  I discovered my body didn’t need that 9 am start, so now I just push til noon.  My body, as well as my hunger has adjusted well to this fasting pattern. 

Some days it can bend a little bit either way, but for the most part it stays the same.

The benefits of this style of eating combined with my low carb food choices are weight management, enhanced mood, mental clarity, and more energy. 

So start off slow.  Work backwards 3 hours from your bedtime like I did. Begin with a 12/12 window, then after a few days try a 10/ 14 window, then try a 8/16 window.  And maybe even a 6/18!

Do what works for you!  Just remember NO grazing! Eat normal meals. Your eating window is not a “free for all food frenzy”…

This might go against what you’ve heard about eating frequency in the past. But the research is solid.  Skipping a meal won’t send your body into “starvation mode” or necessarily inhibit your fat loss goals. And although there’s nothing wrong with eating breakfast, there are major benefits to giving your body an extended break between meals.

Some believe that if you skip breakfast it will cause you to overeat throughout the day. Not so, studies actually show that individuals who skip breakfast do indeed eat more calories at lunch, but consume less total calories at the end of the day.


Let’s talk about The Carb Range real quick.

Here is the typical breakdown.

Keto is less than 10% of daily calories are carbs (less than 50g per day)

Low-Carb is 10-25% of daily calories are carbs (50-125g per day)

Just to put it into perspective>

The typical American diet is more than 250g of carbs per day! 




Intermittent Fasting Diet Guide, Dr. Becky Gillaspy

Undoctored, Dr. William Davis

131 Method, Chalene Johnson

Monday, December 12, 2022

Small, Chewable Steps

 My First Blog Post

To be honest with you, I’m not sure where to start, I have so much information floating around in my head…just like a diet, I want to jump right in, but I don’t know where to start!  I just know I have to START.  You know that feeling.

Alright, let’s begin with 3 small, chewable steps towards change.
  • Get a journal 📔. Journaling holds you accountable, builds awareness, and helps you identify your personal style.  Write down anything and everything…what you eat, when you eat, how you feel, any activities you participate in, what you are grateful for, your daily prayers.  Journaling is empowering.  
  • Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime.  Food is for energy.  Towards the evening hours, as you are winding down from your day, you don’t need the calories or carbs for energy.  Most of us spend the hours right before bed relaxing and unwinding.  Plus a big bonus, you will sleep better!  Your body won’t be trying to digest food at the same time you are trying to go to sleep 😴 
  • Begin eliminating, what I refer to as “The Filler Foods”.  What are filler foods, we’ll just think back to your favorite restaurants.  What do they serve while you are waiting for your meal? Chips, crackers, breads….all these to help fill you up.  Then they add rice, pasta, potatoes, tortillas, more breads all to make sure you get full. This way you feel as if you are getting your money’s worth, when actually you are getting less of the main course than you realize.  More about eating out later.  Anyway, start eliminating these throughout your day, along with cakes, donuts, cookies, and cereals, yes, even oatmeal! Each day strive to eat less of these foods. 
Give it a try….if you have any questions, contact me at
Enjoy Marie

Finding YOUR Steps to Success

 It is my hope that you have completed the process of discovering your WHY as I talked about in my previous post.  Our WHY is our purpose...